Rassegna stampa:
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno del 20.1.85
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno del 29.5.85
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno del 13.6.85
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno del 28.1.86
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno del 16.3.86
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno del 16.4.86
La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno del 22.4.86
Servizio del TG3 Puglia
Puglia Region - Department of Culture and Public Education
Provincial Administration of Bari - Department of Culture and P.l.
Municipality of Bari - Department of Culture
University of Bari (Chair of Architectural Photogrammetry)
Puglia Region (Department of Culture - Museums and Cultural Heritage Sector)
date: April 16-17-18 1986
location: Monumental complex of S. Scolastica - via Venezia 73 - Bari
secretary: prof. Antonio Daddabbo - via Venezia 73, Bari
Purpose : verification of the first phase of the project aimed "Photogrammetry and territorial protection" carried out under the agreement with agreement - signed on 19.1 1985, between the Puglia Region and the University of Bari - for use common of photogrammetric - electronic equipment to be used for the start of the census and cataloging of cultural heritage operations Puglia.


Mercoledì 16 aprile
Nuove tecnologie nella scuola. Raffronto tra le esigenze del mercato del lavoro, i nuovi programmi ministeriali e l'attuale attività didattica nella scuola.
9.30- "Le nuove tecnologie e gli interventi della Regione Puglia in materia di diritto allo studio" - dott. Gerolamo Pugliese, Assessore alla Cultura e Pubblica Istruzione della Regione Puglia.
10.00 - Videotape "Nuove tecnologie nella scuola elementare". Documentario sul primo anno di sperimentazione didattica attuata presso la scuola Balilla di Bari, nell'ambito della ricerca sull'insegnamento della fotogrammetria nella scuola elementare (progetto finalizzato).
10.25 - Interventi sul tema.
11.00- Videotape "ll linguaggio dell'immagine". Attività di ricerca, presso la scuola elementare Balilla di Bari, per l'introduzione della telecamera quale strumento di lettura e documentazione della realtà territoriale (progetto finalizzato).
10.25 · Interventi sul tema.
12.00 - Videotape 'll computer". Un tentativo di introdurre il computer nella scuola elementare, quale strumento ausiliario indispensabile per affrontare e risolvere i complessi problemi posti al bambino dai nuovi programmi d'insegnamento (progetto finalizzato).
12.20 - Interventi sul tema e dibattito
13.00 - Sospensione dei lavori.
16.30 - Videotape "Emilia Romagna", Ed. La Scuola - Brescia. Un esempio di guida alla scoperta di una chiave di lettura e di interpretazione del territorio e delle dinamiche che ne condizionano lo sviluppo.
16.45 - Interventi sul tema.
17.15 - Videointerventi preannunciati da Istituti scolastici.
19.00 - Dibattito e conclusione dei lavori.

Thursday, April 17
Survey and diagnosis of the territorial reality. Comparison between the methods of investigation and diagnosis allowed by advanced technologies and those adopted in daily practice.
9.30 am - " The Apulian regional policy on Cultural Heritage: perspectives and programs " - dr. Gerolamo Pugliese, Councilor for Culture and P.l. of the Puglia Region.
10.00 - Videotape " Representation in Architecture and Urban Planning ". Limits, proposals and alternatives of the languages ​​of representation of the territorial reality and of the design interventions in architecture and urban planning.
10.20 - Survey and diagnosis of the territorial reality: " Proposal for the Regional Documentation Center of the Apulian Cultural Heritage "- Prof. Arch. G. Radicchio, teacher at the Universities of Bari and Venice.
10.45 - Videotape " Urban and architectural survey operations in a historic center of Sardinia: Ghilarza " - Prof Michele Pintus, University Institute of Architecture of the Studies of Cagliari.
11.10 - Videotape " The relief of the Historic Center of Alcamo in scale 1: 500 ". Department of Representation of the University of Palermo.
11.30 am - Videotape " Photogrammetry for the study of the rural agricultural territory: research activity of the Agricultural Engineering Institute of Milan "- Prof. Luigi Bonfanti, Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Milan.
11.50 - Speeches on the topic and debate
1.00 pm - Suspension of works
16.30 - Videotape " Two examples of stereophotogrammetric survey of Cultural Heritage "- Department of Representation of the University of Palermo.
16.50 - Videotape " The documentation of an archaeological excavation "- Prof. Raffaella Cassano, Department of Sciences of Antiquity of the University of Bari.
5.15pm - Speeches on the topic.
17.45 - Videotape " Activities of the Experimental Center for the study of avalanches and hydrogeological defense " - Veneto Region, Forestry Department
18.10 - Video interventions announced.
19.00 - Debate and conclusion of the works
Friday April 18th
The problem of updating representation techniques in architectural and urban planning.
9.30 - Videotape " Survey and diagnosis " - Experiences and programs in Puglia regarding census and cataloging of Cultural Heritage (finalized project).
9.50 - Videotape " At the borders of the restoration " - An example of an investigation of the territory, presented by the students of the Architectural Photogrammetry Course (finalized project).
10.10 - Videotape " Photogrammetry and project " - The problem of the use of stereometric images in architectural and urban planning, examined in the light of first ten years of activity of the Chair of Architectural Photogrammetry.
10.30 - " How and why the Italian Architectural Photogrammetry Foundation was born " - prof. Antonio Daddabbo, University of Bari.
11.00 am - Speeches on the topic and debate.
11.45 - " A collaborative experiment fra Bodies: Canne della Battaglia "- Dr. Letterio Munafo - lll Aerial Region. Bari.
11.30 am - Debate and conclusions of the works
17.00 - Constituent Assembly of the Italian Architectural Photogrammetry Foundation.

For the decisive contribution offered in the performance of the first phase of the project aimed at "Photogrammetry and territorial protection", thanks to the companies:

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