Project Finalized:
and territorial protection:
Sub Documentation
The survey in architecture
The image bank
The graphic restitution
The numerical restitution
The database
Chair activity
correspondence with the Wild Heebrugg - 1975
CNR research - 1976
reward trip to Heerbrugg for students - 1977
C.N.R. contribution for publications - 1978
Correspondence with the Central Institute for the Catalog - 1978
Corrisp. Correspondence with the Superintendency of Puglia - 1978
Contributions from the P.I. - 1978
Finalized project C.N.R. - 1979
correspondence with the Rector of the University - 1980
Photogrammetric paper catalog - 1980
Why photogrammetry?
The architectural photogrammetry course
The ARCA project of 2000
The StereoFot 5.1 program - 1993
Evolution of methods and techniques
Stereofot 7.0 - 2004
The online documentation of the Cultural Heritage - 2004
relations with Brazil - 2005
The Charter of Cultural Heritage - 2008
- HOME -
heerbrugg award trip offered by Wild Itaria S.p.A.
Polytechnic of Bari (Italy)
The laboratory
of architectural
(1976 - 2008)
by prof.
Antonio Daddabbo
site map
translated with Google
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