
Nowdays, the term "G.I.S." (Geographical Information System), although very fashionable, is used often mistakenly and in a superficial manner.
From a theoretical poin of view, G.I.S. is not pr0oblematic: you simply access on the Internet, via Satellite, the area of world you are interested in and, with consecutive clicks, you may enlarge it untill you are able to locate the subject you are looking for together with all the informations you need. For example, a student who wants to enroll himself at a school, could access, on his own computer the school's home page and "visit" it virtually, becoming fully aware of "what" the school offers and "how" they operate.
On the web there is very little information. In the example of schools there is no more information available on the net than that existing within written documents, disguising the potential advantages of multimedia communication.
Aim of the exhibition-meeting is to analyse this situation step by step.